Note well...

Thursday,,August 11, 2106, Seawall Camp, Acadia NP, 993 miles so far

 This will have to be brief as it is 11 pm and taps has already played.

My hope was to make it to Acadia at 6, but we got delayed. The good news is that the rattling steering wheel was due to low air pressure in my front rear tire, which I solved by filling the tire. It should have had 36 psi but had only 24. It will be problematic the entire trip so I sense a whole new set of tires down the road.  Also, my new rule is new tires for all these trips.

We made it to the visitors center at 7:20 just in time to give us some usuable daylight.  What a relief, I felt. But the visitors center was closed. Then, the fun began.  I will save those details for a future posting down the road.  Suffice it is to say now that we just now settled into the tent, three hours after what I was hoping for.  On the road cannot get much worse than what I just went through. But at least I did not give up as many mortal souls would have and my record of not missing a target camp remains in tact.

As for Donner, his reward for surviving 12 hours in the Defender was 2.cans of red sockeye salmon, which beat my dinner of a handful of trail mix.

Tomorrow, it's off to Canada. Where we will camp is still up in the air.  From here on, until Denali, it's an open road.  A cooler open road, I should add, as the temperature dropped precipitously as we moved into Maine.  This is why I made a big push to get as far north in 3 days.

Time to retire.

Ed and Donner.


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